“Ensuring their future so they can secure ours.”

The Friends of the Reading Police K-9 Unit’s mission is to financially support the K-9s, whether it’s for a dog wash station, repairs to the kennels, trauma aid kits, unexpected medical expenses or to purchase a K-9. Without your support we could not raise the funds to maintain the unit. Please consider donating today.

About Us

The Friends of the Reading Police K-9 Unit is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds to maintain the Reading Police K-9 Unit. We are fully supported and sanctioned by the Reading Police Department and the City of Reading, Pennsylvania.

We are comprised of local residents who believe our police force needs the K-9 unit to effectively handle crime in our community. The Friends of the Reading Police K-9 Unit’s mission is to financially support the unit. “Ensuring their future so they can secure ours.”

Reading Police Retired K-9 Fund Created

May 1, 2022, Reading, PA: The Friends of the Reading Police K9 Unit today announced the creation of the Reading Police Retired K-9 Fund, which is dedicated to the dogs who have protected our community and our officers.

This milestone is a major move for The Friends of the Reading Police K9 Unit on its mission with the sole purpose of helping to fund and support the Reading Police K9 Unit. However, the fund narrative does not make provisions for emergency veterinary care for our heroic retired K-9s. The retired K-9s, who have given their lives to protect and serve our community, absolutely need to be taken care of in their time of need.

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